Advertising law & Unfair competition

Many companies understandably like to push the boundaries in advertising. The boundaries of truth, of fair competition or of decency. That is part and parcel of the free market and of doing business. But sometimes the boundaries are crossed, with or without faul intent. That is when our lawyers step in to take action.

Commercial contracting

The drafting of contracts is increasingly automated. No problem with standard contracts with a low value and low risk. But when agreements become more complex and interests are greater, customisation is necessary. This soon becomes the case within the areas of law in which we operate. With straightforward contracts we offer parties a clear legal framework and prevent problems later on.

Competition Law & Compliance


Copyright protects creative works such as music, books, photos and films, as well as design and software. We represent right holders, collecting societies, users and intermediaries in infringement cases, licensing disputes and negotiations.

Corporate & M&A

Corporate law is in SOLV's DNA. We help companies and institutions, from start-ups to multinationals, in the field of corporate law and investments and transactions. A pragmatic approach with a focus on both the legal and the commercial aspects is key.

Database law

Database law protects collections of data, even if the data itself is not protected by intellectual property rights. Precisely for this reason the right can be enormously valuable. Think of online platforms, booking websites, comparison websites or client portfolios. We represent both producers of databases and users and litigate infringement cases and licensing disputes and conduct negotiations.

Design law

A design right protects the appearance (the design) of products. Functional aspects must however remain free to be used by others. Tensions often arise in that sometimes grey area. SOLV represents design right holders and users in infringement cases, licensing disputes, seizures and negotiations.

IT law

No organization can do without IT and the proper functioning of IT systems is often critical. The same applies to good contracts. Nevertheless, IT problems often lead to complicated lawsuits. As IT lawyers from the very beginning, we represent both clients and suppliers in negotiations and proceedings.


Sometimes legal proceedings are necessary. Because someone is causing damage to your company or organisation that needs to be stopped, because your counterparty is not fulfilling their obligations or because you want to bring about change. Our lawyers can represent you in all these situations.

Media law

Media law has become a complex set of rules. Different rules apply to different types of players: public broadcasters, commercial broadcasters, streaming platforms, platforms for user generated content and vloggers. We navigate our clients safely through the minefield.


Patents provide protection to technical inventions. This can either be a product or a process. The owner of the patent can prohibit others from commercially exploiting the invention. Competitors may therefore not produce, sell or apply the invention without the owner's permission.

Press & Reputational management

The media are indispensable in our society. Journalists need to be able to exercise their freedom of expression. But sometimes they, or users of social media, go too far and infringe on reputation, copyright or portrait rights.

Privacy & Data protection

Every organisation has to deal with privacy law and for many companies privacy compliance is absolutely essential. Incidents can have a huge impact, both legally and from a PR point of view. We advise many large and small Dutch and international clients on personal data and privacy in various industries, including IT suppliers, healthcare institutions, research institutions, educational institutions and governments.

Telecommunications law

Telecommunication law is about communication between people and between devices and about the network over which that communication takes place. The rules that apply to these different aspects are diverse and complex. Our lawyers unravel the regulations for Dutch and international clients.

Trade name law

Trade name law protects companies against the use of the same or a similar trade name by other companies. We conduct summary proceedings and proceedings on the merits about trade name infringement, advise on the scope of protection of trade names and on the choice of a trade name.

Trademark law

Trademarks indicate from which company a product or service originates. It is an exclusive right: others may not use the trademark without permission. We represent both trademark owners and defendants in trademark infringement cases. We also represent parties in domain name disputes at WIPO.


Advertising is an essential part of any company's success strategy. However, the time of a simple newspaper advertisement seems to be over. SOLV advises companies from all parts of the advertising sector. Our clients are not only advertising agencies, but also affiliates and ad networks.

Arts & Culture

The art and culture sector is diverse. From small theatre companies and individual artists to museums, international art dealers and auction houses. One thing is certain: there are legal challenges at every level. We advise clients on disputes, authenticity and provenance, copyright, neighbouring rights, contracts and liability. Our clients include (online) auction houses, theatres, artists, collectors and designers.


The idea that "the cloud is just someone else's computer" is outdated. By now, that sector of 'someone else's computers' in the Netherlands has an annual turnover of more than 2 billion and the technological possibilities are endless. We have been closely involved with some of the pioneers in the sector from the very beginning.


The biggest subject of the 20s will undoubtedly be cybersecurity. SOLV's lawyers regularly advise clients on the legal aspects of this important and complex subject, if necessary in cooperation with technical experts. We know all about security measures, ISO and NEN standards, and ransomware attacks.


Technological changes in the education sector are having a major impact and the playing field is constantly evolving. More and more is possible, and more and more parties are demanding their place. But all these possibilities also bring with them responsibilities: the legal requirements are sharpening. We represent various clients in the education sector and in educational publishing.


The fashion industry is all about creativity and innovation. Protecting that is SOLV's area of expertise. SOLV's lawyers represent, advise and litigate throughout the fashion chain. Our clients include not only designers, but also manufacturers, suppliers and webshops.


Fintech is technology aimed at competition with or support of traditional financial service providers. Relevant legislation is complex and does not always fit in well with developments in the market. That is precisely where we see the challenge.

Gaming & Gambling

The gaming market has grown explosively. It's no longer just about games for leisure, but also about professional e-sports competitions. The interests are growing and the playing field is becoming more and more complex. The gaming market is also in a state of flux. The legalization of online games of chance is opening up a completely new market. We are specialists from the very beginning.


Healthcare is one of the most innovative sectors worldwide and is therefore constantly facing ethical, technological and social challenges. The sector has to deal a wide variety of rules and regulations in different legal disciplines. We advise healthcare providers, (e-health) technology providers, policy makers, health insurers and other healthcare service providers.


Hospitality is an enormous growth market. Traditional players are expanding and new initiatives keep emerging. There is a lot of innovation, both technical and conceptual. But the challenges are real. Large platforms and software providers are gaining ever more power, and data usage is becoming more strictly regulated by the day. We have the knowledge and expertise to lead our clients to a safe haven.

Internet & E-commerce

An online strategy requires a specialised approach. This applies to legal advice on that strategy and the applicable rules as well. SOLV has been advising on the Internet and e-commerce for twenty years. We think along with our clients in every area of their online strategy.

Media, Broadcasting & Entertainment

The many sectors within what we call Media, Broadcasting & Entertainment have one thing in common in the legal field: increasing regulatory pressure from the government. Combine this with the high dynamics and increasing complexity due to convergence, and it is clear that strong legal assistance is necessary. SOLV has been assisting parties in the fields of media law, film & television, publishing and journalism for many years.


Transport and technology are a golden combination. But that combination will also create enormous social and legal challenges. Our expertise lies where technology and mobility meet. We advise clients in the automotive industry, in the navigation sector, in aviation and in smart cities on the challenges that come with innovation in mobility.

Non-profit & Public Interest

Non-profit and interest groups represent interests with a specific social purpose. SOLV represents industry associations, claim foundations, and charitable organisations in defending the interests they defend.

Online Platforms

Platform economy is no longer a buzzword. Large online platforms have so much power due to network effects and access to data that they have their own dynamics. The European legislator has recognised this and is introducing more and more regulation for online marketplaces, booking websites, social media, content platforms, price comparison websites, sharing economy platforms and search engines.


Publishers are essential in the publication of the works of writers, poets, photographers, illustrators, translators and other creative makers. SOLV knows the publishing market in detail, and therefore knows exactly where the threats and opportunities lie.


The retail sector is turbulent. With smart use of data, online consumers can be reached more efficiently than ever. But making the wrong choice can immediately have disastrous consequences. Retail entrepreneurs have to constantly be sharp and have to keep developing. With our specialised knowledge and years of experience, we take care of the legal worries.


Software is protected by copyright. Both the underlying source code and the look-and-feel are eligible for protection. We represent developers and clients in contract negotiations, infringement cases and failed development projects.

Sports & e-Sports


Telecommunication law is about communication between people and between devices and about the network over which that communication takes place. The rules that apply to these different aspects are diverse and complex. Our lawyers unravel the regulations for Dutch and international clients.