Media law

Media law is a collective term for various areas of law. It includes the regulation of public broadcasters, commercial broadcasters and other providers of audiovisual media services, but also the right to freedom of expression, unlawful press publications, privacy and portrait rights.

On the Dutch broadcasting market, commercial broadcasters compete with each other but also with public service broadcasters. Meanwhile, more and more over-the-top providers of audiovisual media services occupy a part of the market. The programs offered to the public are completely different from those offered ten or twenty years ago and so is the way in which they are offered. European and national legislators are trying to catch up with developments and more and more players are having to deal with media regulation. Even social influencers on YouTube have to deal with government interference.

The Dutch Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de Media) monitors compliance.

The main purpose of all this regulation is to protect the media consumer against excessive, misleading or harmful advertising and to guarantee a pluralistic media offer. The other side of the coin is the importance of a free press and accessible, public information.

The rapid developments in the market and the high regulatory pressure have resulted in a complex legal framework. Our lawyers navigate various parties through this minefield of rules, including broadcasters, video on demand video providers, video platforms and influencers. Our lawyers know what’s going on and know the ins and outs of media law.

Our services

  • Advice on international aspects of media supervision
  • Advice on advertising and sponsorship rules
  • Advice on the Media Act and the Telecommunications Act
  • Advice on the rules for different audiovisual media service providers
  • Litigating cases with regard to media regulation, including against the Dutch Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de Media)
  • Litigating cases with regard to press publications and freedom of expression
  • Litigating cases with regard to portrait rights