Legal information

Address and contact details

Anne Frankstraat 121
1018BZ Amsterdam

P.O. Box 75538
1070AM Amsterdam

T: +31 20 5300 160
F: +31 20 5300 170

Legal entity, Chamber of Commerce number, VAT-number

SOLV B.V. (“SOLV”) is a limited liability company, having its registered office in Amsterdam and registered in the trade register of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce under number 18060314. The VAT-number of SOLV is NL.8093.11.008B.01.

Service, fees and conditions

SOLV delivers legal services, including advising and representation in court, in the practice areas as described on In principle our work is performed against the hourly rates of our employees. If that is fitting, we can make other fee arrangements.

The general condition of SOLV apply to all instructions and legal relations between SOLV and her clients. These relations are governed by Dutch law and disputes will be exclusively settled before the competent court in Amsterdam.

Dutch Bar Association

The legal profession is a regulated profession. Consequently, SOLV’s attorneys are registered with the Dutch Bar Association, established in (2596 XM) The Hague at Neuhuyskade 94. The professional rules for attorneys can be found on the website of the Netherlands Bar Association.


SOLV B.V. has taken out professional liability insurance. The details of this insurance will be sent on request.

Complaints procedure

SOLV attaches great importance to the satisfaction of our clients. Our firm does everything in its power to provide you with the best possible service. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are dissatisfied with a certain aspect of our services. Below is a description of what you can do.

If you are dissatisfied with the quality of our service or with our invoice, we request that you first submit your objections to the attorney in charge of the case. However, you can also contact the operational manager of our office.

In consultation with you, we will try to find a solution to the problem that has arisen as soon as possible. We will always confirm this solution to you in writing. You can expect our written response to your complaint within four weeks.

If you have a complaint we greatly appreciate you letting us know. You can rest assured that we will include all well-founded complaints in the evaluation of our office policies and will do our utmost to prevent any recurrence.