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Interview met Jessica Litman

Gepubliceerd op 27 februari 2004 categorieën , ,

GrepLaw heeft een aardig interview met prof. Jessica Litman. Litman behoort tot de zgn. copyleft school in de Verenigde Staten. Zij vindt dat het gebruik van P2P-diensten is toegestaan op grond van de uitzondering voor eigen gebruik.

“I believe (although I’ve not been able to find another copyright professor who agrees with me) that section 1008 of the copyright law, which bars copyright infringement suits over consumers’ making of noncommercial copies of recorded music under particular circumstances, should have been interpreted to cover peer-to-peer file sharing.”

Ook op domeinnamen heeft Litman een interessante visie:

“Trademarks, like other forms of intellectual property, have been showing relentless expansion of late, and I hope the pendulum will reverse its swing soon. If courts can remember that trademark law doesn’t give the trademark owner the exclusive right to use a word, they should be able to resist trademark owners’ pleas to be awarded the functional equivalent of the exclusive right to use the word on the Internet. Court’s haven’t been doing all that badly, although decisions like the recent 9th Circuit opinion in Playboy v. Netscape doesn’t show the courts at their best.”

Lees hier het interview.

Bron: GrepLaw
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Christiaan Alberdingk Thijm


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