De New York Times heeft een mooi interview met Richard Colbert, een van de grootste spammers ter wereld. Het geeft een aardig inzicht in de wereld waarin spammers leven. “I ask my spammer guru if he is feeling nervous, now that Congress is in the market for a few high-profile public hangings. Doesn’t he fear that Orson Swindle might soon have him in an orange jumpsuit and shackles, doing a prime-time perp walk? ”Congress is full of idiots,” he notes succinctly. Colbert says he doesn’t believe that a strategy of going after a few kingpins will accomplish anything. Politicians will gain some publicity, but in the process, he argues, they will drive smaller operators further underground. ”Spammers will just use even more deceptive practices to keep from getting shut down,” he says. Lees hier het artikel (registratie verplicht).
Gepubliceerd op 29 september 2003 categorieën Privacy & gegevensbescherming, Telecommunicatierecht
Bron: The New York Times
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